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Grading Specifications

To receive a grade of B, you must have the following:

  1. The basic level loads in successfully including the player, blocks, and props.
  2. The player correctly moves with WASD. Mouse left/right movement rotates the player on the yaw axis, and up/down movement of the mouse pitches the camera (with the maximum up/down pitch clamped).
  3. GetMinOverlap is updated to handle 3D overlaps and generates the correct CollSide based on the side of minimum overlap and passes the unit tests. Player collides with colliders and cannot move through them, regardless of the state
  4. The player can fall, does not fall through the floor, and falls when not standing on top of a block. The player can jump on a leading edge of the spacebar, falls when they reach the apex of their jump, and can only jump when on the ground.
  5. The portal gun spawns in the level and the player can pick it up. When picked up, the crosshair appears and the first person mesh shows up and updates correctly.
  6. When the player has the portal gun, they can create blue portals with left click and orange portals with right click. The portals orient correctly based on the surface. Firing a new portal of a color replaces the previous portal of that color. Pressing R clears both portals. The crosshair updates correctly based on the current state of the portals.
  7. Input replay can start a replay by pressing P to reset the position and the replay begins, successfully validating at least to the part where the player reaches the glass wall.

Keep in mind that for an A, you will also want to check for warnings on your GitHub actions, and make sure you are writing good quality code. We will do a code review and let you know what changes we think you should make, and you will have an opportunity to apply those changes to improve your grade during the regrade period.

Since there is an odd number of spec items (7), you have to implement at least 4 to get a C.