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GetMinOverlap, Riding Logs and Finishing Touches

While there are multiple ways to implement the frog being able to “ride” a log, we will use an approach that utilizes GetMinOverlap, primarily because GetMinOverlap will be critical for subsequent labs!


You need to implement the CollisionComponent::GetMinOverlap function. It returns CollSide::None if “this” does not intersect with “other” (you can just use the Intersect function to figure out if they don’t intersect). If they do intersect, the function returns the CollSide that is the minimum overlap side. Furthermore, it sets the offset Vector2 passed in by reference to the offset to move “this” so it will be exactly touching “other”.

If the instructions below do not make sense to you, you should review the slides!

  • You need to calculate the four other[Min/Max][X/Y]Diff variables as discussed in lecture (and in this diagram): Calculating the diffs
  • In the context of GetMinOverlap, “this” corresponds to the player in the diagram, and “other” corresponds to the block
  • The CollSides refer to the sides of “other”. Eg. CollSide::Top means that the minimum overlap is the top side of “other” (so, the top side of the block in SDL)
  • Remember, these differences are always “other” side minus “this” side
  • Whichever of the four leftDist/rightDist/topDist/bottomDist has the lowest absolute value is the side of “other” that is minimally overlapped
  • For example, if leftDist has the lowest absolute value, then it’s CollSide::Left
  • The offset reference variable represents the vector that you’d have to apply to “this” so that it exactly touches “other”. It will always have one component as 0, and the other as the correct offset in that direction
  • If you collide with the left/right side of “other”, you should change offset.x
  • If you collide with the top/bottom side of “other”, you should change offset.y

As with the other CollisionComponent functions, we validate that your GetMinOverlap is implemented correctly with the unit tests on GitHub Actions. Once you implement a correct GetMinOverlap, you should pass all the unit tests. If you don’t pass the unit tests, that means there is an issue with your implementation that you need to fix to satisfy the GetMinOverlap spec. Note that it is possible that your Frogger game will appear to work even with a wrong GetMinOverlap function, which is why there are unit tests. If you want to manually run the tests, recall that the instructions are here.

Riding the Logs

Add a CollisionComponent to Log. They all have a height of 24.0f, but the width depends on the type of log:

  • X is 96.0f
  • Y is 128.0f
  • Z is 192.0f

Next, you’ll need a vector of Log* in Game as well, so do the same thing you did with the vehicles.

Then in Frog::OnUpdate, after the Vehicle intersection checks, add another loop that loops over the Logs. You’ll want to call GetMinOverlap on the frog’s collision component, passing in each Log’s collision component as a parameter, and saving the result in a local variable. If the result is CollSide::None you can ignore that log. Otherwise, you want the frog to “ride” the log. To do this:

  • Set the y-position of the frog to the y-position of the log
  • Move the position of the frog based on the log’s WrappingMove direction, forward speed, and delta time. This is to get the frog to move in unison with the log
  • If the CollSide is either Left or Right, you need to additionally add offset.x + either positive or negative 16 (depending on Left or Right) to the frog’s x-position, which will get it to line up nicely with the sides of the logs.

If everything’s working properly, you should be able to get the Frog to ride along with the log once you jump onto one: Frog riding log


You may have noticed that right now the frog can just jump into the water and wait for a log to pick it up. We want to change it so that the frog dies if it misses a log. The bounds of the water area are between a y of 90 and 255. So, you just need to track whether your Logs loop detected that the frog is riding on a log. If the frog isn’t actively riding a log and the y is within that established range, you should kill the frog. As with getting ran over by a vehicle, dying should create a DeadFrog at the spot and reposition the Frog back to the start.

You should verify that your frog can still jump onto and ride logs, but now if you jump into the water you’ll die.

The Goal

Rather than making a new subclass for the goal, you can treat it like the actor you made for the background image actor. Create a base Actor and then create a collision component for it using the dimensions of 32x32. You want to create the goal at the the G letter in the file and save a pointer to that actor in Game.

Then in your Frog::OnUpdate, you just need to check for intersection with the goal and if you intersect, you should set the frog’s position to the goal and then SetState to ActorState::Paused which will stop the frog from updating anymore.

Finally, you want to make it so that if the frog’s y position is less than 90 and you aren’t at the goal, the frog dies (since that means the frog jumped into the wall instead of the safe goal zone).

Your game should now be complete and work like the original video!

Once you’ve pushed your code, you should review the grading specifications to confirm you’ve satisfied them.